Monday, November 12, 2007

It's About Time!

I've been a reader of knitting blogs for some time now, but until now, I hadn't gotten around to starting one of my own. I though I'd perhaps be boring, because I don't always get to knit every day, so progress can be a bit slow.

I have felt quite out of it, though, as every knitter in the known world seems to have a blog these days! Even Ravelry mocks me by telling me it's not yet picking up my blog. I'm excluded from contests where I could have been winning fabulous yarns and having fun!

So, today I've taken the plunge. I'm currently too busy to do any knitting, but I guess I'm not too busy to be wasting time writing about it...

I do want to mention the last item I did knit and finished just last week - a Leda's Dream stole designed by Melanie Gibbons aka Pink Lemon Twist. It was my first lace project, and what a joy to knit! Beautiful pattern, which didn't get boring for a second, and I finally got to experience the magic of lace coming off the blocking pins!

It was knitted for a charity sale in support of the Bubel/Aiken Foundation. A group of on-line friends (bloggers and non-bloggers alike) have been knitting, crocheting and crafting for months, in order to sell items and donate the proceeds to Bubel/Aiken. The stole sold within a few hours of being listed! (Thanks again to Melanie, who graciously allowed me to make her stole to be sold for charity, and to the buyer of the stole.)

As of today, we've raised over $600! Way to go, Sirens!

If you have a minute, please check out the Striped Sock Siren's blog, which will lead you to the charity sale. (I've posted once there, so I'm not a *complete* blogging newbie!)


geekette said...

It's beautiful, of course. Hard to believe you managed to leave it at the post office with no tears...

Unknown said...

Wowza! That is just gorgeous! P.S. Welcome to blogland. I'll have to stop by more often.

Knitcrazy said...

Your Ledas Dream is just Georgeous!!!!!